Making a Mark-- Mighty enthusiasm for what Mark2Curators have done

As promised in last week’s blog post, we’d like to share some of the feedback we received from our update meeting with Dr. Hudson...

Over 300,000 annotations have been submitted so far, but we're not done! Your help is still needed on our open doc sets

On Wednesday, the Mark2Cure development team met with Dr. Hudson Freeze (NGLY1 and CDG expert), Dr. Karen Ho (’s scientific advisor), and the mighty...

New doc set! It's a small one, but we can't finish it without you!

Our new doc set is focused on misfolded proteins and the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the power plants of the cell and can be affected by the...

OST doc set at 41% complete, how your contributions count

Our Oxidative Stress Doc set is ~41% complete, while our O-linked Glycosylation Disorders Doc set is ~80% complete! Please continue to contribute to the completion of...

Three doc sets down!

Last week, Mark2Curators completed the FBX-Engase doc set which was roughly 30% the size of the Alacrima doc set. Forty-five Mark2Curators made submitted 11,177 annotations...