The Sammies award and why it matters to Mark2Cure

In case you haven't heard, David Lipman and the GenBank team are in the running for the People's Choice Award of the Samuel J. Heyman Service...

Information extraction and the missing Mark2Cure module

In our previous post, we asked readers, 'What is your preferred moniker?'. Here is the response: Mark2Curator: 36% Citizen Scientist: 36% Contributor: 18% "Anything BUT...

Join Mark2Cure and Dazzle4Rare

From August 13th to August 20th, Mark2Cure will be participating in the #Dazzle4Rare campaign to raise awareness for rare diseases. Did you know? About 10% of...

Upcoming #CitSciChat on Biomedical Citizen Science

New Mark2Cure Video added to our youtube playlist! The Citizen Science Conference in May was very productive, and the last of Mark2Cure's recorded talks is now...

Happy Fathers Day!

A HUGE thanks to all the dads (and EVERYONE) who has been contributing to make a difference for the NGLY1 families. Shipping delays Apologies to international...