Alacrima doc set done! New video about Mark2Cure

At long last, the wait is over! Matt Might’s talk NGLY1 story and Andrew’s talk on Mark2Cure at the Stanford Big Data in Biomedicine...

Mark2Cure Subscription options, photo contest, and more

With Father’s day coming up and after meeting many inspirational Mark2Curators, we’ve decided to have a photo contest! The prize is one of three...

You have spoken, and we’d love to hear more!

So far, we’ve heard from quite a few of our Mark2Curators offering a number of great suggestions, and pointing out bugs that need to be...

New doc set, new features, and more on Mark2Cure

This week, we are happy to add a new doc set and introduce a new feature. Given that our awesome Mark2Curators have already completed about 27%...

Mark2Cure launches today! Join the Campaign for NGLY1!

The Campaign for NGLY1 is now live and underway! Help us get the word out! There are will be some excellent talks surrounding Mark2Cure: Campaign for...