Max’s Mark2Cure talk at SDBUS, Birthday wishes for Bertrand, and more

Last Wednesday, our lead programmer (Max) was the guest speaker for the San Diego Bioinformatics User Series over at UCSD. We were thrilled to see a...

Max to speak about Mark2Cure at SDBUS

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you all for your contributions and feedback to Mark2Cure. Mark2Cure has changed so much since the beta experiment and it’s all thanks...

Mark2Cure citizen science volunteers finish off another 300 abstracts

The O-linked Glycosylation disorders doc set contained 195 abstracts, while the first misfolded and mitochondrial doc set had 105 abstracts. BOTH doc sets were completed this...

New feature just in time for Friday the 13th!

It’s Friday the 13th, and we have an exciting new feature to share with you! You will now be able to see the information that...

Happy Halloween--have some spare BRAIN...power?

Our doc set on mitochondria and misfolding has reached 80% complete up from 60% complete just two weeks ago. The larger OGD and OST doc sets...