Breaking the bottleneck in biomedical research by bringing citizen scientists on board

Yesterday, an article by @CoopSciScoop made rounds in twitter that highlighted a key problem researchers face in their line of work–the difficulty of finding relevant...

Finding buried treasure in shifting sand

The problem of keeping up with scientic literature is not new. In 1986, information scientist, Don R. Swanson, published an article about mining the wealth of...

Neat Science Thursday – Everybody can do science!

The crowdsourcing of science is not new with professor Olmsted’s crowdsourcing of meteorological observations in early half of the 19th century followed by the Audubon...

Zooniverse Proposal: Excavating a network of concepts related to Chordoma from the biomedical literature

Note, this post was originally published on the Su Lab website The Zooniverse team, in collaboration with other members of the Oxford community including the Faculty...

Aim 4: Patient-aligned crowdsourcing

This is the fifth and final blog post in a series on our Gene Wiki renewal. More details from the Su Lab site, below. As such,...