Rare Disease Day is tomorrow! How Mark2Cure is gearing up for the NGLY1 Community

Although our beta experiment has ended, the wonderful people who’ve joined Mark2Cure are still going strong about helping us. That energy and enthusiasm is inspiring,...

Building a Garden of Biological Knowledge

Note, this post was originally published on the Su Lab website March 13, 2013 I wrote up an idea in my notebook that I called ‘Pubmed...

Mark2Cure First Beta Experiment is Complete! Thank you!

Over the weekend, Mark2Curators completed our first Mark2Cure beta experiment. In total, 212 volunteers submitted 10,345 document annotations in just over 4 weeks. Our community...

We’re almost there! Mark2Cure now at 80% completion of the Beta Experiment

Because of the amazing ways in which our Mark2Curators have contributed, we’re now approaching the end of the beta experiment. Since our last post on...

Why do people Mark2Cure?

Mark2Curators have been busy! Over the weekend, our volunteers brought the current beta experiment from about 28% completion to over 50% completion. We’ve gotten excellent...