Mark2Curathon happening now!

It’s now April 15th, and the official start of the Mark2Curathon! Thanks to our Mark2Curators, two of our doc sets were completed before the start of the Mark2Curathon, so we will be opening TWO new doc sets–making more prizes available. The new doc sets finish off the investigation of autophagy’s involvement in neurological symptoms, and begin investigating something GlcNAc–something MARK2CURATORS helped identify from the O-linked Glycosylation disorders doc set.

The prizes for the event depend as much on your individual contributions (quality and quantity will factor into determining the prize winners) as it does on the community’s contributions. The more contributors there are, the more prizes will be available, so please encourage one another to participate in the talk pages or live chat channel.

The planned prize table is as follows:
Prize table
As you can see, if there are at least 11 qualifying participants, every qualifying participant will at least receive a marker. The number of T-shirts and mugs that will be given away will increase as more people participate. Remember, quality of your contributions as well as quantity will factor in to determining who wins the T-shirts and mugs. Additional prizes may become available or be given away depending on the completion of the doc sets during the event.

Remember, in order for your participation to qualify you must have completed at least one practice quest (either during or any time prior to the event) and at least one non-practice quest.

We encourage you to interact with other Mark2Curators on the Mark2Cure doc talk pages (if you have questions about specific docs or annotations), or interact with us on twitter during the Mark2Curathon. Please use the hashtag #mark2curathon.

Are you ready to make your mark?

If you’re in San Diego, join us at the La Jolla Public Library between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm on April 16th and let’s Mark2Cure together! Mark2Cure will have a table, give talks, and lead workshops during the event. Learn more at or

Jake (who works on microscopy masters) will be leading a computer workshop on virtual citizen science projects. You can sign up here to participate. I’ll be leading a Wikipedia editathon for the even which you can sign up for here.

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