Upcoming #CitSciChat on Biomedical Citizen Science

New Mark2Cure Video added to our youtube playlist!

The Citizen Science Conference in May was very productive, and the last of Mark2Cure's recorded talks is now available on our youtube channel. As previously mentioned, Max delivered the project slam for Mark2Cure and was selected as one of the top three to deliver an abbreviated version during the 'Night in the Clouds' event.

View the two-minute talk here:

Biomedical CitSciChat on Wed. July 19th, at 11:00am PT

Speaking of the conference, we were able to connect in person with a lot of lovely people in the citizen science arena, especially the amazing people from @EyesOnAlz, @CitSciBio, and @CochraneCrowd. Because we're all passionate about bringing citizen science to biomedical research, we organized a panel for a biomedical #citscichat. Caren Cooper (@CoopSciScoop) kindly agreed to moderate the chat as usual, and Pietro (@pmichelu, @EyezOnAlz) was able to convince @foldit's Seth Cooper to join the panel.

What: Hour long chat on biomedical citizen science (#CitSciChat)

Where: online via twitter

When: Wed July 19 2:00pm ET (11:00am PT)

Why: Because citizen science is used in biomedical research too

Who: Everyone interested in citizen science is welcome to join this chat which will be moderated by citizen science expert and author, Caren Cooper. The panel so far includes:

  • Mark2Cure of course! Mark2Cure is a citizen science project for addressing the big data issue of biomedical literature. Citizen scientists help look for clues about NGLY1-deficiency in curated literature. (@Mark2Cure/@gtsueng, @x0xmaximus, @AndrewSu)
  • Cochrane Crowd is a citizen science project from the Cochrane Collaborative, and also looks to make biomedical literature more useful. Citizen Scientists help identify randomized controlled trials so that Cochrane Reviewers can use them to answer important medical questions. (@Cochrane_Crowd, @annanoelstorr)
  • EyesOnAlz/Stall Catchers is a citizen science project from the Human Computation Institute to identify blood blockages in short videos of the brain. Their game is super fun, helps with Alzheimer's research AND they have a major event (Catchathon) coming up. If you would like to host a local catchathon, check out this post. (@EyesOnAlz, @seplute, @Clair_csg, @pmichelu)
  • CitSciBio is NIH's new biomedical citizen science hub. It is sponsored by the Division of Cancer Biology at the National Cancer Institute. There are tools for collaborating, creating projects, and now you can login via your scistarter account. (@citscibio)
  • Fold.it is a long standing, and very successful citizen science game which empowers gamers and volunteers to help determine the structure of proteins important to biomedical research. Seth Cooper from Northeastern University has agreed to join the panel to share about this wildly successful project. (@UWGameScience)
  • Beat the heat and help science!

    Need an excuse to stay indoors, avoid chores, and avoid the summer heat? Look no further! One of our current missions is over 80% complete. Help us finish it!