Recruiting NLP-crowdsourcing-semantic-web postdoc or staff scientist
Note, this post was originally published on the Su Lab website
Our laboratory at the The Scripps Research Institute in beautiful San Diego, California is recruiting a talented individual to help us use crowdsourcing to push the boundaries of biomedical information extraction and its applications. We are looking for someone with experience in natural language processing (statistical or linguistic), machine learning, and knowledge representation. This person would work to integrate efforts across several related projects.
Ongoing and nascent projects include:
- Collaboration with the NASA tournament laboratory at Harvard University to use TopCoder innovation contests to improve the BANNER named entity recognition tool using data collected with Amazon Mechanical Turk.
- Collaboration with UCSD and Stanford to implement an open-access, biomedically-focused installation of the DeepDive knowledge base extraction system.
- Collaboration with the BeFree team from the Integrative Biomedical Informatics Group of the Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) to use the Crowdflower crowdsourcing platform to generate ground truth corpora for training a relation extraction system to be entered in the 2015 BioCreative challenge.
- The development of the application for browsing networks of extracted knowledge and gathering user feedback for improving the underlying knowledge base.
- Ongoing development of the citizen science application Mark2Cure with an emphasis on its integration with all of the projects listed above.
Sound like fun? Ready to jump in?
Contact Andrew Su and or Benjamin Good for more information.
p.s. We have other openings in related areas!