Rare Disease Day is tomorrow! How Mark2Cure is gearing up for the NGLY1 Community

Although our beta experiment has ended, the wonderful people who’ve joined Mark2Cure are still going strong about helping us. That energy and enthusiasm is inspiring, and we’d love to have your input as we develop Mark2Cure for the next phase.

The next launch of Mark2Cure is going to be big! (ok, maybe small by Zooniverse’s standards, but big for us!) Many Mark2Curators have offered us assistance and we will take all the help we can get. If you love to share on social media channels or have access to other venues you feel are appropriate for Mark2Cure, we’d love for you to join our Street & Tweet team and help us spread the word about Mark2Cure. If you are in San Diego and want to share your input as we develop the tutorials for the next phase, we’d love to have you as part of our User Experience team. If you’re not in San Diego, you can join our Virtual User Experience team.

Ben and Andrew are generating the body of literature that will be investigated by Mark2Curators, Max has been busy expanding the range of things Mark2Curators will be able to do, and we’re already user testing early designs of the tutorials. Personally, I’m really excited about meeting some of our awesome Mark2Curators in person!

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