New Entity Recognition Mission Available

Pilocarpine is a drug that was frequently identified by our Mark2Cure citizen scientists and volunteers in the previous sets of biomedical literature. It was often found in the context of seizures or tears—both of which are symptoms associated with NGLY1 deficiency. In humans, pilocarpine is used to pre-operatively treat some forms of glaucoma, and to treat the dry eyes associated with Sjögren's syndrome. Pilocarpine is also used to stimulate secretion of saliva and sweat and a “paucity of sweating” was noted in one case of an NGLY1-deficient patient. Are there underlying mechanisms in the pilocarpine literature that might help elucidate the symptoms of NGLY1-deficiency? Help us find out.

Pilocarpine appeared in the previously completed missions: ATGS, MATG, HSPS, Alacrima, HSPM, MATGS, HSPG and was identified by over 48 users such as AJEckhart, AnxietyAttacked, aprilwent, BridgetDS, cbologa, cburkham, cheryllaos, chu2k, CitizenSubflexa2, Ckrypton, Darkversev, Dmatsumoto, GaboGR, gajin4065, ggoom, GrantRVD, hallm21, hampton11235, HArielle, Isabelle, Jbm, JudyE, Klgmd, kuhno1980, LaraineAitken, lcb123, ldouglas5, Manabu, mariomar_it, metaphor, ok8080, rkaramch, sciguy29, skye, socalpam, sueandarmani, TAdams, Vsmalladi, Yanggan, and more!

Interested in viewing the knowledge networks for the missions (ie- document sets) listed above? Just copy/paste this url ( to your browser and append the mission’s symbol.

Eg- To view the description and network for the ATGS mission, go to:

Regarding Greg’s side project which was mentioned in the previous newsletter. Greg wasn’t able to release the preliminary interface due to identifier import issues prior to his trip to the Biocuration conference. Upon his return, he's fixed the issue, and is making some final adjustments before turning this loose.