Mark2Cure welcoming the awesome folks from DMNS

If you’ve never heard of Yo Pearl, the Science Girl, you are missing out! She is the super-cool, ultra-chic alter ego of Dr. Nicole Garneau (a super-cool, ultra-chic researcher/science advocate/educator/communicator) from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Over at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, they do all sorts of exciting open participatory science that might whet your appetite…literally! The Museum is famous for its citizen science initiative exploring the genetics of taste and they have an amazing program which encourages people of all ages and educational levels to interact with science.

Dr. Garneau, who has pioneered a lot of the museum’s educational and outreach efforts in citizen science, contacted Mark2Cure when she saw a presentation by Ben at the first Citizen Science Association Conference in February. Since then we’ve been steadily improving Mark2Cure waiting for the day when it would be worthy of attention from Yo Pearl, the Science Girl. Happily, that day has come.

With great warmth we welcome the science enthusiasts, students, and educators from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. We look forward to learning from your experiences with the Museum on how we can improve Mark2Cure and hope that you will learn something from Mark2Cure as well.

If you’re coming from DMNS, here’s how to join the DMNS team once you’ve completed the tutorials:


01. Go to your profile page

Click on ‘profile’ from your dashboard


02. From your profile page, go to your settings page

Click on ‘settings’ right below your user name

  1. In your settings page, click on the ‘Team’ drop down menu and select ‘DMNS’

After selecting your team, click on ‘submit’ to save your team selection