Mark2Cure Subscription options, photo contest, and more

With Father’s day coming up and after meeting many inspirational Mark2Curators, we’ve decided to have a photo contest! The prize is one of three really lovely Mark2Cure T-shirts.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Take a selfie or a photo with a sign explaining Why you mark2cure.
  2. Email the photo to gtsueng (at) scripps (period) edu and include your Mark2Cure user name, so we can see your contributions.
  3. Share your photo online (no need to include your user name when you share) preferably on facebook or twitter (#WhyIMark2Cure)

This contest was inspired by the awesome Mark2Curators who are rare disease dads (like Matt and Carl) or are caring for a loved one with a disease.

Pam, one of our awesome Mark2Curators, provides care for her father who suffers from Alzheimer Disease. Like her shirt? Enter our photo contest to win one.

Based on the results of last week’s poll, we’ll be looking into adding a search function and discussion board. Although we’ve updated the color of the green to make it more distinct, we’re not sure if we changed it enough. Check it out at and then take the survey below to let us know what you think.

Lastly, for those of you on the Mark2Cure mailing list, we’ve enabled additional options for you to control how frequently you receive emails from us.

This week’s Mark2Cure poll:

We’ve updated the green make it more distinguishable from the blue, but is it distinct enough?

The old green (above) vs the new green (below)