Help us reach our goal so we can help you!

If you haven’t seen or don’t have time to watch Andrew’s excellent Tedx talk explaining how Mark2Cure works, here’s a quick summary and brief explanation why we NEED YOU to join us.

It takes about thirty minutes to read one of many articles that get published every thirty seconds! No wonder scientists are struggling to keep up. You can help scientists extract the information they need so they can discover new relationships faster, so they can more quickly move on to test new ideas and find cures for various diseases. Join now!

[![After this experiment, we will target specific diseases that our beta contributors care about, but our long term goal is to help every domain of disease research that our contributors care about until ALL biomedical research is annotated](]( this experiment, we will first target specific diseases that our **beta contributors** care about, but our long term goal is to help every domain of disease research that our contributors care about until ALL biomedical research is annotated
After we complete the Beta Experiment, we expect to support researchers and members of the NGLY1 community with our first disease launch. Several members of the NGLY1 community have already been contributing all along and the awesome and very inspirational [Might family]( have been very enthusiastic and supportive of our endeavors. Of course, we will not be able to launch a disease-related effort, if we don’t complete this experiment (so help us finish this, NGLY1!)   ### In the time it took for someone to carefully read and consider the information posted up until this point, a new article has been published!   We have also received a lot of helpful feedback from a contact in the [Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation](, which we will target for our non-rare disease launch *if there is sufficient interest in this community ([join us now!](* If you are part of either of these two communities, please help us meet our next milestone or we won’t get to the point where we can help you! Even if you’re not part of these two communities, help us so that we can eventually be able to help researchers studying YOUR disease. **We will decide on the diseases to investigate based on the interests of our most dedicated contributors.**  
[![Help us by committing to complete at least one quest a day and recruit your friends](]( just 100 people committed to completing 1 quest a day, the beta experiment would be over in 18 days!


Remember, we can’t reach the next milestone without you, so please help us now!

[![Please join us and help](]( is now in Public Beta Testing phase and needs contributions from citizen scientists