Citizen Scientists Needed to Help Mark2Cure Reach Next Milestone

Did you know that a new biomedical research article is published every 30 seconds?! It’s become impossible for researchers to read every paper relevant to their field of research. Mark2Cure allows citizen scientists to help biomedical researchers make research literature more useful. Mark2Cure contributors enable researchers to find the right information faster, uncover new relationships between disparate fields of research, and generate/prioritize new hypothesis faster. We hope to empower citizen scientists to accelerate research on diseases of interest to them. Curious? Join and contribute now!

The Mark2Cure development team has been working hard to get Mark2Cure in shape and have now launched Mark2Cure for our first major beta test. Although Mark2Cure’s current functionality is but a fraction of where we would like it to be, this test is critical to proving that Mark2Cure is worth the development effort. If Mark2Cure does not garner sufficient interest or contributions, it could be dropped before citizen scientists have a chance to make major contributions to biomedical research. For more information on the idea behind Mark2Cure, click here or click here to see the related Tedx Talk

[![Please join us and help](]( is now in Public Beta Testing phase and needs contributions from citizen scientists

Over the winter holidays, citizen scientists generously donated their time to help us complete our initial and extremely limited beta test. We are now conducting our first large-scale beta test and really need your help.Please join us and help prove that citizen science is a viable way to make research literature more useful. You DO NOT NEED a science background to help, and EVERY CONTRIBUTION you make is extremely valuable. Click here to contribute now!